Special Projects

Looking to feature polo, polo players, a polo field or polo ponies in your next special project? We can help. We have extensive experience in polo related special projects for film, TV, and advertising. President Brian O'Leary has managed and provided services for projects such as 'the Mighty Duel' McDonalds Advertising Campaign, Beauty and the Beast TV series, Daily Planet and many more. Not to mention our exceptionally trained and professional polo ponies are no strangers to cameras and multi-tasking. 

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'The Mighty Duel' McDonalds Advertising Campaign

Polo Management Services provided ponies, equipment and players for this advertising campaign as well as offering consulting services in the early planning stages of the project and in how best to adapt polo to suit the desired context of the ad. 


Discovery Channel's Daily Planet

In a Daily Planet episode that aired on March 6th, 2008 about polo both in Barbados and Canada, Polo Management Services provided polo expertise for the segment exploring the sport of polo and it's different forms. Parts of the episode exploring the sport of snow polo and snow polo shoes were shot on location at Bancroft Farm during a snow polo match. 

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Rogers TV - Open Air (Polo)

In a 2011 episode of a Rogers TV show called Open Air about polo, Polo Management Services taught the show host, Jennifer Gordon, all about polo and gave her a chance to try out the sport. The episode was filmed at Bancroft Farm with all equipment (including ponies) provided by Polo Management Services. 

Contact us at info@polomanagement.com for details and quotes.